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The ‘Sterling Steps Effect’

The Sterling Steps Effect

The ‘Sterling Steps Effect’ leverages targeted social media to drive website traffic. We offer bespoke digital solutions to drive both business performance and a superior customer experience! This generates returning customers & ambassadors to your business. This unique trifecta will give you a significant business advantage and continuously fuel your business flywheel with satisfied and loyal customers.

This unique trifecta will give you a significant business advantage & continuously fuel your business flywheel!

Surveying the Landscape

At Sterling Steps, we have a comprehensive suite of tools that we use to gain insights into both direct competitors and the competitive landscape. These assessments, safaris, observations, and discoveries build a comprehensive picture of your business, which we in turn use to develop the strategies to target your defined audience.

Understanding your Audience

One of the most fundamental steps in any successful business is understanding who your target audience is going to be. This is unfortunately a step that a lot of businesses either fail to do, don’t do sufficiently, or fail to continue to maintain. This leaves outdated and ineffective targeting in place.

Building Personas

At Sterling Steps, we start by really understanding who your audience is along with whom you want them to be. We define; characteristics, likes, purchase drivers, motivators, what social-economic similarities do they share? After, completing in-depth research, we synthesize this information into unique ‘audience personas’.

Once we have established the audience personas we want to target, we design channels strategies that will enable us to start targeting. We develop these comprehensive strategies with smart Goals, KPI’s and metrics, along with tactics to drive the desired results. We then ’measure what matters, monitor, and adapt accordingly.

Gaining Social Traction

We build realistic social media strategies. The social media landscape is like the wild wild west, but if you understand some key fundamentals and introduce a realistic social media strategy. You can leverage targeted campaigns to successfully gain an audience. This audience when motivated and encouraged will become your website drivers and brand ambassadors.

We build realistic social media strategies!

The Hub

All these tactics drive quality traffic to your website. Your audience is directed to an optimized website that is designed to maximize predetermine site goals and ‘call to action’. Nothing is left to chance. Many sites fail to adapt to changing technologies or don’t have a clear path or objective for visitors. Sites need to be constantly maintained and checked to ensure optimal performance. A link break or corrupt widget can quickly and easily take down your entire site or severely impact your search engine optimization (SEO).

Great Customer Experience

Finally, great customer experience! Giving the customer what they expect or more. Creating delight, differentiating yourself from your competitors.  Creating an experience where customers don’t only want to come back, but they advocate for others to do the same, so they can share in the same great experience.

Creating an experience where customers don’t only want to come back, but they advocate for others to do the same!

Social, Web & Customer Experience

Businesses need the ‘Sterling Steps Effect’ because connecting and satisfying customers is no longer nice to do it is essential for any business to thrive!  The model when executed correctly will generate the perpetual and growing need for your product or service – which is ultimately the ‘Sterling Steps Effect’!

Ben Roberts

Experienced business professional & strategic leader with over 20 years of international CPG exposure and a proven history of driving volume and efficiencies through insights and analytics. Majored in Business & Marketing at the University of the West of England, United Kingdom.

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